
Our Approach

My History

I'll start with some of the important stuff about how I got to where I am today in my career.

Basically I started back in the mid 90's.  I got a call from a family acquaintance very early on a Sunday morning asking if I wanted to be an Instrumentation apprentice. I had been searching for some direction and this seemed like a great chance to take.  Unfortunately I was in Calgary, and this was in Bonnyville, AB.  So, Monday morning I gave my rent notice, packed up my little car and hit the road to start my new career.

Our Story


I spent the next 4 years learning my trade, getting my ticket and red seal and moved from Bonnyville to Red Deer.  I stayed in that area for a number of years, continuing to learn the small details and starting to work on larger billion dollar projects.  From there I started to travel for work on some commissioning projects.  First out in Newfoundland on an FPSO vessel, and then to the Republic of Yemen.  Both places were very interesting and my mind was opened to the nuances that exist outside of the Alberta oil economy.

And then the office positions...

Up till now I have been very happy being a coverall and hardhat wearing employee,  going higher up the ranks within the various projects I was on.  I now received an opportunity in the heart of the Alberta economy, the Northern Oil Sands.  I have turned an unusual corner in the life of an Instrumentation Technician.  Because of the trust some have had in my work and knowledge, I am now starting to help design the projects and not just implement them.


From Tech to P. Tech (eng)

During the next 6 years I worked as a successful Technologist and eventually discovered that I really needed to update my credentials in order to progress my career.  I started the process of moving from a Technician to a Technologist and discovered that this was a difficult transition.  As far as I know, this had never been done in the history of ASET prior to my application for re-assessment.  It took reams of paper, 100's of examples and countless interviews.  But 5 years after I first started the process I was granted my Professional Engineering Technologist designation.  I hope that being the first in Alberta to tackle this process helps others to progress their career in the future.

Trying to expand my skillset

Due to the downturn in the Alberta Oil and Gas economy in 2015, I needed to stretch outside of my comfort zone a little bit.  Hence the latest position I have held which was that of a Technical Sales engineer.  Still related to my carer path, but slightly different.  if you don't know what a Sales Engineer is, basically I was the guy they bring in to prove all the stuff that the sales people have been telling them can really be done.  Lots of public speaking, leading meetings, and that type of thing.  Was quite the ride!


Now USA Bound!

in 2016, after a few bumps in the road cause from layoffs, I was able to secure a position in Houston for a great Process Safety company.  Here on a TN-1 work visa, and really enjoying the work and the heat, since I come from a cold and desolate Alberta, Canada. Looking forward to seeing how the US adventure plays out.

Work History...

So this has been a very brief look at how I got to where I am today.  Feel free to look over my complete work history to delve even deeper into where I have been.